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Gordon Campbell :
Autor:  Gordon Campbell
Director art铆stico
(English below)
Durante los 煤ltimos quince a帽os el maestro Gordon Campbell ha fundado orquestas en M茅xico. Por su labor al frente de la Orquesta Sinf贸nica de Aguascalientes y la Orquesta Sinf贸nica Sinaloa de las Artes recibi贸 en 2007 en el Palacio Nacional de Bellas Artes la Medalla Mozart otorgada por la embajada de Austria en M茅xico, condecoraci贸n que es hasta la fecha el galard贸n m谩s prestigiado en la m煤sica cl谩sica en el pa铆s.

En 2006 obtuvo el premio de la Asociaci贸n de Cronistas de Teatro y M煤sica en reconocimiento al trabajo desarrollado como fundador de la Orquesta Sinf贸nica Sinaloa de las Artes (2001), premiada como la m谩s destacada del pa铆s 2005-2006. En 1991 le hab铆an otorgado la misma presea como director orquesta, solista de corno y maestro de generaciones.

Tiene el orgullo de haber llevado al Festival Internacional Cervantino a dos agrupaciones fundadas por 茅l, la Orquesta Sinf贸nica de Aguascalientes en 1997 y la OSSLA en 2012, en ambas ocasiones recibi贸 elogios de la cr铆tica especializada.

Gordon Campbell se inici贸 como director de orquesta en su pueblo natal Youngstown, Ohio; combinando esta vocaci贸n con su carrera como solista. Como cornista grab贸 los cuatro Conciertos para corno y orquesta de Mozart con el sello 脕ngel EMI Capitol; y bajo la direcci贸n de Eduardo Mata el Concierto Brandemburgo no. 1 de J. S. Bach.
Artistic Director
During the past 40 years I have lived and worked in Mexico. Inicially I was invited to be principal French horn of the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico, in Mexico City. Prior to that and after graduating from YSU served in the peace corps; played in the Savannah, Georgia Symphony and was a artist in residence at the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston 鈥 Salem. For the 1st 15 years in M茅xico I was a professional player and teacher. The highlights were two recordings as horn soloist (Mozart and Bach); tour for the Sate Department as soloist and teacher as well as a Fulbright professorship in South America. Innumerable recordings with groups, jingles, sound tracks for movies as well as National and International tours.
For the last 20 years I moved to full time professional conducting 1st in Aguascalientes and then Culiacan, Sinaloa. I was founding conductor of both orchestras. Highlights have been conducting all the major orchestras of M茅xico, conducting the Dallas Symphony, recordings CD鈥檚. Receiving critics award for the most outstanding orchestra in Mexico 2007; receiving the Mozart Medallion the highest award for classical music in 2008.
In 2012 I founded the Camerata Campbell with seasons in Mazatlan in the months of January, February and March. In the same year I also founded the Coro de la Comunidad de Culiac谩n that now numbers more than one hundred members.